So you use Spotify and want a list of all of your playlists so you can come up with your #AOTY (album of the year). I’m sure there are other ways of doing this, but my rudimentary google searches produced no results, so here goes…
- Spotify account
- python
- internets
First, sign up as a Spotify developer and create an application, here:
Once you’ve created an application, make note of the Client ID
and Client Secret
, and add a new Redirect URIs
to some working website.
Make sure to hit SAVE
! If you don’t, this won’t work!!!
Now onto the code part…
First we need to put our Client ID
Client Secret
and Redirect URI
into environment variables to be read later:
$ export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='your-client-id-here'
$ export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='your-client-secret-here'
Now we need an access token – here’s Spotify’s full formal auth guide:
but for this exercise we’ll be using Spotipy (docs)
Install spotipy:
$ pip install spotipy
Next we need to determine our scope. Here’s a list of the available scopes:
For this exercise, we’ll be using playlist-read-private
Now let’s use this to get our scope. My username is loisaidasam
, so that’s the username you’ll see me use throughout this post:
>>> import spotipy.util as util
>>> util.prompt_for_user_token('loisaidasam', scope='user-library-read')
This should open a browser window and trigger you to authenticate against your newly made application. When you say yes, it’ll redirect you to your redirect uri, which you copy and paste back here:
Enter the URL you were redirected to:
The next string it gives you is your token. Copy and paste that into a variable called token
Now, for getting your playlists…
Here’s the Spotify documentation describing how to read a user’s playlists:
but for this exercise we’ll be using Spotipy’s user_playlists() method:
We have to use limit/offset to get all of the results, so try this code:
>>> import spotipy
>>> s = spotipy.Spotify(token)
>>> offset = 0
>>> while True:
>>> playlists = s.user_playlists('loisaidasam', offset=offset, limit=50)
>>> if not playlists['items']:
>>> break
>>> for item in playlists['items']:
>>> print item['name']
>>> offset += len(playlists['items'])
Running this should print out all of your playlist names one by one.