Jan 222013
English: View of Ljubljana from Castle Hill, u...

View of Ljubljana from Castle Hill, under the snow. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s 07:24, and I’m awake.

I could curse the jet lag, as I’ve been lying awake in bed for about two restless hours now, but I won’t, because the morning is here and if it weren’t for the jet lag, I never would have known. What wouldn’t I have known? How truly awesome 07:24 can be. If I were adjusted to the time, I’m sure I’d still be asleep for a while longer, clutching onto those last precious moments, and then when I finally woke up it would be forced and unpleasant. Instead, here I am, awake, warm, sipping a hot tea, and totally at ease. I watch from behind a hand-made window as the snow falls on beautiful Ljubljana, a guest in someone else’s beautiful home. The street lights begin to dim out and a train rolls through Tivoli in the background. The sound of cars begins to become more frequent, and Davorin‘s Foursquare checkins light up my phone. I put it back down though, for my workday mindset hasn’t started yet, and the frenzy of another busy New York City morning is light years away.

More tea…

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  3 Responses to “Tuesdays and Jet Lag”

  1. Very retrospective and deep

  2. […] Overall impressions were that it felt as if we never left – aside from the new Bazilika, staying in someone else’s awesome apartment, and the urgency to try and see as many people as possible in what seemed like barely any time at […]

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