Loisaida Sam

Oct 232012
English: Looking south from Top of the Rock, N...

Looking south from Top of the Rock, New York City (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I don’t know how, but I forgot how much I love New York. Sure, I love Ljubljana too, but I’m not in love with it. No offense to my fellow Ljubljančan – I’m also working on a post about leaving LJ, keep an eye out. But back to loving New York, how do I know? you might ask. Well, within minutes of being back here, I remembered immediately why I was drawn to this place. Sometimes, you just know.

On that note, I’m going to start a series of blog posts on reasons why I love this town. To quote a wise man (Raymond Stantz, specifically):

sure, it’s dirty, it’s crowded, it’s polluted, it’s noisy and there’s people all around who’d just as soon step on your face as look at you. But come on! There’s got to be a few sparks of sweet humanity left in this burned-out burg and we just have to figure out a way to mobilize it.
And with that, I’ll start with today’s post: Talking to Strangers.

Some people like their peace and their quiet. Some people would rather keep to themselves. Some people were told not to talk to strangers by their parents as they were growing up. Not New Yorkers. We thrive on talking to strangers. If you see someone wearing your team colors on the day of the big game, you’re gonna talk to them about it. If you see tourists with a subway map open and a clueless expression on their faces, you’re gonna help them find their way. There’s no way that your deli guy is going to only ask what you want on your breakfast sandwich. If it’s super hot out (or super cold), you’re gonna hear it from everyone you see (as if they have no idea that you’re also experiencing the weather). If you’re riding in an elevator with some woman you’ve never seen before on your way up to work, you can bet that she’s going to talk to you (or that you’re going to talk to her) – not only do we hate those awkward silences where nobody says anything whilst Packd Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box, but you better believe we’re gonna do something about it! We’re never at a shortage of things to say.

That’s all for now. New York I love you, I’m stoked to be back, and I’ll speak to you on the streets.

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Oct 022012
Frank Ocean - Øyafestivalen 2012

Frank Ocean – Øyafestivalen 2012 (Photo credit: NRK P3)

Apparently coughing and being sick is the new thing these last few days, so I might as well blog about it, right? I’m trying to avoid getting ill myself by moving desks around when I can, but being sleep-deprived (no one to blame but myself for staying up until 4 in the morning to work on silly projects that I’ll probably never finish) isn’t giving my immune system any help.

Oh well, here’s what’s spinning in my world lately:

Stay healthy, my friends.
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Jul 092012
Emperor X

Cover of Emperor X

This past Thursday, Emperor X played to a standing room crowd at Menza pri Koritu as part of the Caffeine Hours festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia, touching our hearts and for at least a brief spell helping us forget this Mediterranean summer heat that we’ve been experiencing. It was one of those amazing nights that makes you feel good to be alive, and I felt inclined to write something, anything, about what a spectacular guy Chad is for helping to contribute to that.

To kick it off, my buddy Uroš captured the following video of “The Magnetic Media Storage Practices of Rural Pakistan”:

which should help give you a taste of what we saw. The remainder of the performance was equally as enjoyable and memorable, and after it ended we danced the night away to the sounds of Guess What? and Orchestre du Mont-Plaisant.

Drunk and happy at 3 in the morning, I walked home in the same direction as Chad and Rok (curator of Caffeine Hours) where something truly magical happened. Rok and I were telling Chad about how our buddy Jure was a big fan and really wanted to be at the show that night, but was unable to make it. Upon hearing this, he INSISTED that we do something special for our good friend Jure, which turned into him improvising a song in Slovenian (while Rok whispered translations in his ear) and belting out the lyrics into the otherwise quiet latenight Ljubljana streets. Enjoy:

For some more Emperor X goodness, check out his recent Daytrotter Session from 20 April 2012

Allahu Akbar.

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Jun 272012
LCD Soundsystem

James Murphy (via last.fm)

Howdy ladies and gents,

Been away for a bit, between Berlin Buzzwords, a trip to Copenhagen, Venice, seeing Bruce Springsteen in Trieste, hiking Velika Planina in Slovenia, and camping in Baska on Krk island in Croatia, this guy’s been on the move. Fear not though, for I am back and full of summer energy.

Here’s the latest from the music blogosphere:

Until next time,


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Jun 132012

Oh my LORD, Zemanta now gives me Instagram integration!!!

Happy birthday Mary-Kate and Ashley

Happy birthday Mary-Kate and Ashley













Happy birthday Mary-Kate and Ashley! “What ever happened to predictability?”

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May 042012
Rare supermoon rising over lake in Central Flo...

Rare supermoon rising over lake in Central Florida. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Get ready for it! Saturday night presents: THE RETURN OF THE SUPERMOON!

If the skies clear on Saturday, we could get a glimpse of the “super moon” The moon will be at its closest to Earth at the time it turns full, making it appear 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter than a normal full moon. According to NASA, the scientific term for the phenomenon is “perigee moon”.

(via that homie Bhatti Bytes)

and I’m sure we’ll all be experiencing the same reaction Sunday morning…

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