Oct 282014

So first off, let me start by saying that I noticed that my last post is entitled NYC Subway Data, Part 4 – moar data!. I later noticed that there is no “Part 3” in this series. There never was. Too bad, it will remain a mystery.

Going forward, I’m happy to introduce MTA Fare Buster!!!

Based on Ben Wellington (iQuantNY)‘s post on the leftover money that you commonly end up with when buying a metrocard, I did some research and despite there being a few similar apps out there on the Android market, one was good but not updated with the latest bonus policy, one doesn’t give you options, and one wasn’t free, so I decided to write my own.

Full source code here: https://github.com/loisaidasam/mta-fare-buster-android

Happy commuting!

Oct 202014

After spending some fun time with the subway schedule data the other night, I’m a bit more curious now about usage.

On the data list I found the following resources:

(could be helpful for finding fare type popularity? dunno how interesting that is…)

Location data, cool! Through the NYC open data site, I even found this cool little map showing the NYC subway entrances (I’m assuming based on this data):


THIS is interesting because hourly turnstile data COULD be helpful for trying to estimate station popularity at a given time of day/day of week/etc. The only problem is that the Remote Unit/Control Area/Station Name Key data doesn’t really matchup with the GTFS dataset Stops identifiers:

Remote Booth Station Data


GTFS Stops Data

Hopefully more soon…

Oct 142014

A follow up to my last post about trying to make something useful of the NYC subway data provided by the MTA…

I was googling around to try and see if I could find a list of stations per subway line, and didn’t really find any good answers.

I did find this post, essentially asking for the same thing I was looking for:


And decided that I’d lend a hand and help out, so I came up with this:


(feel free to upvote my answer)

Happy commuting y’all!