It’s 07:24, and I’m awake.
I could curse the jet lag, as I’ve been lying awake in bed for about two restless hours now, but I won’t, because the morning is here and if it weren’t for the jet lag, I never would have known. What wouldn’t I have known? How truly awesome 07:24 can be. If I were adjusted to the time, I’m sure I’d still be asleep for a while longer, clutching onto those last precious moments, and then when I finally woke up it would be forced and unpleasant. Instead, here I am, awake, warm, sipping a hot tea, and totally at ease. I watch from behind a hand-made window as the snow falls on beautiful Ljubljana, a guest in someone else’s beautiful home. The street lights begin to dim out and a train rolls through Tivoli in the background. The sound of cars begins to become more frequent, and Davorin‘s Foursquare checkins light up my phone. I put it back down though, for my workday mindset hasn’t started yet, and the frenzy of another busy New York City morning is light years away.
More tea…